the Friday Fetch-it

Everyone's a costcutter on Vagina Row

About the Friday Fetch-it

Hi! This is the Friday Fetch-it, an occasional blog in which I recommend interesting, obscure and underheard music.

New recommendations appear whenever I have something awesome to recommend, but always on a Friday. (It used to be every Friday, but that became unsustainable.)

If you'd already fetched a song before I recommended it, you may award yourself one highly-coveted Absurdly Alliterative Friday Fetch-it Pre-emption Point™ (AAFFPP™). Absolute gold-dust, those are.

the Friday Fetch-it is written by Greg K Nicholson and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mooquackwooftweetmeow.

Tuned: the state of having tunes. Stay tuned.

Previously on the Friday Fetch-it...

Once upon a time, there lived a music recommendation blog called the Friday Fetch-it. It lived in the magical land of, where it spent its days frolicking with its friends surrounded by pink social-musicky goodness.

But then, after a few months of pink! pink! other stuff! things that aren't the blog!, the Friday Fetch-it found itself increasingly confined by all the other pink stuff flying about around it, and it decided to move out of its parents' house and get a job.

No job later, the Friday Fetch-it finds itself uprooted from its familiar, old, pink (did I mention that is pink?) pot and planted in a new, bigger, less-pink pot... like a plant being replanted... by a gardener who represents a poor metaphor.

Anyhow: so as not to forget its old life in Pinksville, the Friday Fetch-it made a list on itself (because it's a blog, remember (this anthropomorphised-blog business gets confusing sometimes)) of all the old posts. And in time-honoured story-referencing-itself and effect-preceding-cause fashion, this is that very list:

(This bit's the montage of quick shots of the characters emoting and/or in action-packed situations, overlaid with snippets of dialogue, that goes some way to explaining what happened last week when you forgot to set the video:)

  1. the 2006-04-14 Friday Fetch-it, in which the Friday Fetch-it was introduced and I recommended Slits Grapevine
  2. the 2006-04-21 Friday Fetch-it, in which I recommended Area
  3. the 2006-04-29 Saturday Fetch-it, in which I recommended By The Water
  4. the 2006-05-05 Friday Fetch-it, in which I recommended The Big Sky
  5. the 2006-05-12 Friday Fetch-it, in which I recommended Shoreline
  6. the 2006-05-19 Friday Fetch-it, in which I recommended Can't Hurry Love
  7. the 2006-05-26 Friday Fetch-it, in which I recommended Pioneers Remixed
  8. the 2006-06-06 Tuesday Fetch-it, in which I recommended Love In The Making
  9. the 2006-06-09 Friday Fetch-it, in which I recommended Iwe
  10. the 2006-06-23 Friday Fetch-its, in which I recommended Set The Fire & La Rit
  11. the 2006-07-07 Friday Fetch-its, in which I recommended Confide In Me & Colours
  12. the 2006-07-14 Friday Fetch-it, in which I recommended Poison
  13. the 2006-10-15 Sunday Fetch-it, in which I recommended Give Me Strength
  14. the 2006-10-20 Friday Fetch-it, in which I recommended Rush Hour
  15. the 2006-10-29 Sunday Fetch-it, in which I recommended Memorize
  16. the 2006-11-04 Saturday Fetch-it, in which I recommended Shack Up
  17. the 2006-11-11 Saturday Fetch-it, in which I recommended Animator
  18. the 2006-11-17 Friday Fetch-it, in which I recommended Whirlwind
  19. the 2006-11-25 Saturday Fetch-it, in which I recommended ¡12!

(Cue the title sequence.)

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