the Friday Fetch-it

Everyone's a costcutter on Vagina Row

About the Friday Fetch-it

Hi! This is the Friday Fetch-it, an occasional blog in which I recommend interesting, obscure and underheard music.

New recommendations appear whenever I have something awesome to recommend, but always on a Friday. (It used to be every Friday, but that became unsustainable.)

If you'd already fetched a song before I recommended it, you may award yourself one highly-coveted Absurdly Alliterative Friday Fetch-it Pre-emption Point™ (AAFFPP™). Absolute gold-dust, those are.

the Friday Fetch-it is written by Greg K Nicholson and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mooquackwooftweetmeow.

Tuned: the state of having tunes. Stay tuned.

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Questions? Comments? Plaudits? Microblog at me, @gregknicholson on, or with the tag #thefridayfetchit; or email me at
